Friday, 22 January 2010

My New Blog

Yep, akhirnya aku mencoba membuat sebuah blog, setelah lama kuinginkan, akhirnya hari ini kubuat juga. Agak bingung juga sebetulnya karena aku masih buta dengan yang namanya blog, tapi setelah mencoba-coba, hasilnya ya tetap seperti ini ^^. Rencanaku blog ini bakal aku isi dengan spoiler manga chapter terbaru yang aku baca (maybe Bleach or Skip Beat!) dan maybe sedikit tentang food science yang sedang kupelajari (what?!). Yah posting pertama ini hanya untuk coba-coba jadi maklum kalau agak aneh ya!


  1. Congrats on teh new blog, baka_girl-san ^^
    Looking forward to your postings!

    Just a little suggestion: you might want to transfer the CSS (right now on your Kon Clock widget) to the template body itself to get the styling that you need by editing the html...

    And this is always good practice: whenever you want to add anything to the template or widgets, do save your previous template first (download template) so that you can go back if anything goes weird.

    ~niki who's trying to be helpful and not too sound like a know-it-all (she just has gone through the pains of crafting a customized blog ^^)

  2. Thank you so much for your advice niki-san! That really help me!
    And i'm looking forward for your advice too ^^ (don't worry, i'm not going to make you sound like a know-it-all beacuse i'm just an amateur ^^)


Drop me a comment, will ya? ^^