Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy V-day! and a little news~

Happy Valentine Day, minna-san! Usually, I don't give a damn about this day, but because of something, I'm looking forward this day more than usual :p

credit to annabelle
Do you want chocolate from Sawako?

If you follow me on twitter, maybe you already know the reason. For you who don't follow me (follow me, NOW! xD), here's the news...

I've become new contributor at sunny side up manga + anime blog!!

Yes, I became new contributors at sunny side up manga + anime blog, aka Telor Ceplok (TC) along with Lina-chan and Kia who already joined before me. It already happened for more than two weeks, but I just decided to write about it a few days ago (or because I was too lazy to do it :p). huamulan03, TC's owner even made an introduction post for me and other contributors! (Thank you so much, Niki-sama *bows*).

What is the relation between this and V-day? Starting from 1 February 2011, we from TC manage to make at least one valentine related recommendation/review each day. I somehow manage to write two reviews, here it is..

Valentine 2011 manga recommendation: Hana to Akuma by Oto Hisamu ♥ Sweetness with a Bite

Valentine 2011 manga recommendation: Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu by Aoki Kotomi ♥ I have promises to keep...

Does this mean I'm going to make this blog more inactive than before? Who knows~ It depends on my mood XDD But because TC has a lot more followers and readers, I think I'll make it my first priority. We bloggers want more readers (and comment) after all :) Don't worry, I'll make sure to write a post here and give the link whenever I made new post for Telor Ceplok :)

I also change my banner and tweaked a few things, what do you think? I'll be glad if you give a feedback :D

I think that's all, enjoy your Valentine Day!

P.S. Please forgive my Engrish >_<


  1. Happy Heart Day! I lurves Dameda, zenzen dameda's new look! D*mn, Zero looks hot ^^ And awww, thanks for the cross-promotion but moar thanks for your hardwork (minna, please read her reviews of Hana to Akuma and BokuKimi -- outstanding!)

    Need I say that I lurve the KimiTodo Valentine pix??

    Huggles and thanks for becoming a TC writer *chuuu~*

  2. Uwaa, thanks for the comment Niki-chan! xD
    Glad that you like my little Zero :D
    If I found that KimiTodo pic earlier, I'd suggest Kia-chan to use it for our Valentine pin-up :)

    Kochira koso, thanks for giving the opportunity to become TC contributor! ^_^


    Then Zero on the side!!! (Not with his twin? Pfft! T_T) Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!

    Eep! I need to catch up on Hana to Akuma (I also love it!)

  4. Awww, thanks for dropping a comment in my blog, Sapphire-san!

    You like the banner? I'm going to change it actually, it's from fan art after all -_-
    What do you think about the new banner? :D

    I can't find Zero & Ichiru pic, so I'm using this one :)

    You should finish it soon! I want to see how you would rate Hana to Akuma :D


    I think Zero and Ichiru are in a volume cover, so I guess you could just look at the images of the volume covers out so far? xD hehe

    I know... but aaahhh!! Reading list x_x

  6. Congrats on becoming contributor! How exciting! I hope you keep this blog active though ^^

    + your English is great! (thumbs up from a native speaker!)

  7. @muchneededblog: Hiyaaa, sankyuu for dropping a comment ^^
    Yes, that's what I want to do, but I just can't find enough time to do it >,<

    Really? Thank you so much! *blush*


Drop me a comment, will ya? ^^